Monday 10 April 2023

Thunder Clouds


The seasons are changing and it seems more people are succumbing to coughs and colds as we head into winter.  Covid is quietly on the rise again and the hospital is having to open more dedicated wards to cope with the extra patients.

I’ve been sniffling this weekend myself (thankfully not covid, just a cold) so have been taking it quietly and resting lots, drinking heaps of water, and taking vitamin C.  I’ve learnt over the years that my body responds best to that sort of treatment (garlic used to work for hubby, it does nothing for me).

Part of the problem is the swinging temperatures we are experiencing – with nights from cold enough for a fire to warm enough to throw the blankets off the bed.

This week the warm moist temperatures are putting us under a thunder watch.  We had a loud storm pass through at dawn, and all day there have been the odd rumbles. 

This evening I could see this cloud bank building up and couldn’t resist taking a photo.

I’m also happy to report that the slug bait seems to have worked.  I’ve not found any dead slugs or snails, but the violas are now flowering happily and make a pretty sight on the deck.

That’s all for now, folks 😊



  1. The white clouds are brilliant against the so blue sky.
    Hope your remedy stifles the cold

  2. Take care of your cold and get well soon.

  3. That sky looks fantastic. Your pansies are colourful.

  4. Sorry you are under the weather. Do folks in your area use elderberry syrup? It's very popular here, especially during cold/flu season, and very easy to make yourself. Healing thoughts coming your way...

    1. Elder is not common here. I found a plant once - on a golf course! I think the Powers That Be consider it a weed that needs to be vigorously eradicated (like privet). Sad.

  5. We love a good thunderstorm as long as they are not too dangerous. The rumbles, the rain and lightening up in the sky are pretty cool to see once in a while.

  6. Hopefully the storm doesn't materialize. We had heavy rain late yesterday and at night but so far today it's just cloudy. No rain.
    I hope your cold goes away quickly. You seem to be doing everything to make it go. Good to know that the slug bait worked and your pretty pansies/violas ( I never know the difference) can bloom without the danger of being snacked on.
    Have a great week. GM

  7. One of my co-workers has had covid for the 4th time and all are just as bad as each other. I've only had it once and don't want to get it again.

  8. Yes - the coughs and colds are on the rise, as well as the dreaded covid! I have been visiting 'out of town' family, and they have all had a 'bug' - thankfully not covid. Just hoping I miss... My DD posted a video of the thunderstorm they had yesterday at home - and they were rumbling again today, but I have not had any ..yet!


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