Thursday, 25 May 2023



My goodness, is it really over a week since I have been on blogger?  I guess that is what happens when you don’t much feel like doing anything.

From dreary weather at the start of the week, yesterday was a gorgeous blue sunny day and I managed to get a lot of washing dry out on the clothesline.

Today looks like it is going to be the same.  I may even be tempted to spend some time in the garden.

Sunlight streaming in the dining room window

For a while now, I have felt like my income isn’t being managed very well.  I have enough to meet all my needs, so the urge to operate under a budget was almost zero (you do that when times are hard!).

But one of my sons has persuaded me to do a free trial of YNAB (You Need A Budget) and now I am getting into it, I realise how much more I could be doing with my money.  

It operates a little differently to a normal budget, and I’m really quite impressed with it!

This week I have visited a sister-in-law who recently returned from a three-week holiday in Australia.  She came home with some amazing photos and great memories.  Isn’t it wonderful that post-covid we are now able to travel around again?

Now it is getting cooler, most nights we have the fire going.  Both cats were always a little frightened of the fire, but as they grow older they appreciate the warmth more. 

Mittens always sleeps in my room, but Millie is getting braver each night and slowly getting closer and closer to that lovely source of warmth.

Have a great day 😊




  1. It is always good to manage your money well.

  2. What a lovely bouquet of flowers on your table!! Was there a special occasion?
    Good luck with the budget. We never managed to stick to one.
    Relaxing by the fire sounds wonderful. Millie has the right idea. GM

  3. Good luck with the budget. Sounds like what we need too

  4. That is a gorgeous vase of flowers on your table Margaret!! I should go and have a look at that budget programme.
    I tidied all the pots on my deck today, and got them ready for winter. I really cut the lavender back hard, as the pots will be transported to the new home before the winter is over and it will make them much more manageable. And they flower better after a good prune.
    My cat has learnt to love my hot water bottle, and he also creeps close to the heater on cold nights.

  5. You've probably seen pictures of Zoey sleeping right in front of the fireplace. Our Daisy used to sleep under our wood stove. I have no idea how she ever did that!

  6. Now that Winter is here we are having more and more dreary days so getting washing dry outside under the carport is almost impossible, hopefully we won't have to use the dryer too much.

  7. Gorgeous flowers. We have the fire going here too (Ashburton), and the dogs catch on quite quickly.

  8. We travelled this year for the first time in years! Lovely!

  9. Such pretty flowers! A budget is good. I should make one again...but we manage to save a bit each month so we must be doing okay!


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