Tuesday 22 March 2022

It Rained!


Yesterday morning our drought broke with a vengeance.  Hamilton City recorded an official 84.2 mm (about three and a quarter inches) for the 24 hours, with the heaviest fall being 34.2 mm in one hour.

We did not receive as much as Auckland did, but there were still many spots of flooding around the city.

There was almost continual lightning and thunder for most of the morning (and we are forecast for more of it tomorrow), and some of our spouting had trouble at times coping with the volume of downpour.

Thankfully it had eased off a little by mid-afternoon when I had an appointment for my covid booster shot.

I still got caught in the flooding though.  What I thought was a bit of surface flooding on one corner actually turned out to be a bit deeper than that.  I reckon underneath my car is now very clean!

It is five months since I last had a covid shot, so I have gone a way over the government’s recommended three months interval but nobody said anything to me.

It has left me feeling quite tired with a slight headache and a sore arm, but I feel I am coping quite well with it.  Should be right again tomorrow.

Stay well and keep smiling 😊




  1. Wow! You had a lot of rain!! I hope you don't have much effect from your booster shot and that you feel better tomorrow. Stay out of those puddles!

  2. I saw on our news that Auckland had a lot of rain. Thankfully you got through and got your booster. Now have a safe and healthy autumn!

  3. To be honest... I love such weather. Especially also thunder and lightning (as long as it´s no danger).
    And a clean car, hey, this is something :-)

  4. The worlds weather has gone crazy, gone are the days with gentle rain, we has 3 storms in one week during February. Hope the flooding goes quickly.

  5. Extreme weather is becoming the norm.

  6. That is a lot of rain but am glad you finally got some. I thought I heard once that they thought it woukd be better to wait a while longer for the booster Covid shot, at least here. But you know, I heard the report one time and that was all it was ever mentioned.

    1. I believe "standard" worldwide practice is around 6-8 months. Our government started off at six months then reduced it to four months and now recommend getting a booster at three months. So much of the information they give us is confusing.

  7. Great to get rain after a drought; but not the flooding! Put your feet up after the booster...time for some R&R. Mary

  8. We had a booster six months after the second shot here. That was standard practice.

    I’m glad your car wasn’t caught in the flooding. That’s a lot of rain in an hour.

  9. Crikey that's a lot of rain. It will have topped up the rainwater tanks and aquifers. We hope you get over the 'shot' effects soon. xxx Mr T

  10. Wow that is a bit of rain all at once, I bet it washed lots of stuff down. Hope you do okay with your Booster Shot:)

  11. Hi Margaret, I'm feeling for Gisborne today, that really was a big storm hitting so far and wide. Glad you just gave your car a good wash and nothing else. Take care and hope you have no more post jab worries.

  12. Hope you are feeling better today Margaret - I had to drive to Rotorua today, and I was aqua-planning at times the surface water was so deep - like you I now have a very clean underneath to my car!!

    1. Aqua-planning is so scary. I'm glad you stayed safe on your journey :)

  13. We had the downpour last night until the early hours of the morning, plenty of thunder and lightning.

  14. Glad that you had needed rain. But sorry it was a deluge. "Feast or Famine" as the old saying goes.



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