Wednesday 30 March 2022

Home Again


I have been away for a few days, housesitting for a friend, but am home again now.

Mittens was so happy to see me!

Not a lot changed at home since I went away, except that Son has sprained a muscle in his back and is hobbling around hoping it will get better soon.

He has been working so hard lately, that sometimes I think Mother Nature organises these things just to make us slow down a bit.

He was happy to have me home again as well 😊

I hope everyone is having a great week,




  1. It's always lovely to come home.

  2. Mittens you are looking lovely. xxx Mr T (PS do some walking on the back of your male human - it sounds like he needs it. I walk on F to straighten her out from time to time.)

  3. Good to 'see' you back again Margaret - I am still staying with a friend post-surgery, but as it is in the same town, I pop home occasionally, and I am sure my poor cat is totally confused... Mittens looks a beautiful cat.

  4. It is always so good to get home...I hope your son feels better soon. Mittens looks so content.

  5. Kitty is so pretttttty....

    Glad you are home to help your poor son.

    Did he ever try a chiropractor? He certainly needs something, to help that back get bettttter. Sigh.


  6. A break is nice but it’s good to be home.

  7. Good to be back home, I hope you enjoyed your time away:)

  8. It's always good to return home! Must be nice to be greeted by a happy mittens.
    And now you can look after the lad 🙂

  9. Oooo a bad back, he'll need lots of TLC until it gets a bit better.

  10. A sprained muscle can be very sore. I hope your son feels better soon.

  11. Home sweet home, the best place to be. OUCH on sprained back muscle, speedy recovery to your son. Handsome Mittens, I'm sure she's very happy Mom is home again!

  12. I'm glad you are home and well and I hope that your son's back improves quickly. I think you are correct about things often happening to slow us down a bit.

  13. I'm envious you've been out and about, my daughter and I are still down with covid and it's been pretty bad, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that Amy. I hope you are both soon up and about again. Hugz xx

  14. Bet your son and Mittens are happy to have your home. Mittens is such a pretty kitty. Hope your son feels better soon. Back pain is awful.

  15. Oh, what a very sweet face!
    I love your way to give everything a positive twist, yes, maybe your Son needs to slow down a bit and is forced to - hope he´s better soon, though!


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