Thursday 14 January 2021

No More Rain Fade


At long last, yesterday morning, we were able to have a new television aerial installed.  The technician also put in a splitter box, so both our televisions receive the signal at the same time (no more ‘sound echo’ if they are both on).

For months, every time it rains the television signal disappears – usually just when it is something you want to especially watch.  It has been very frustrating but other things have taken priority.  However, it is done now. Yay!!

I had a very pleasant day yesterday visiting with my brother’s wife (another of my sisters-in-law!).  We had a simple lunch of homemade sandwiches and sat and gossiped all afternoon.  Another friend called in as well and we had a very enjoyable time together.

My sister-in-law in hospital is having a rough time with her chemotherapy.  I was hoping she might have been one of the lucky ones and not have too many side effects, but it seems not.

Our weather this week has been hot, too hot for me to be outside after about 9am.  I just wilt in heat like this – which made me unappreciative when Mittens decided to curl up beside me in bed last night.  She was SO hot!! (she never got a chance to stay there very long LOL).

I hope your week is going well 😊



  1. A cat curling up next to you in winter is great - not so in summer though.

  2. Wonderful that you got the rain fade dealt with. It must have been so frustrating.
    Nothing like a nice visit with friends (that includes SILs) to make life interesting. I`m sorry for the SIL in hospital having a rough time with chemo.

  3. Oh, so glad you could get the TV problems solved. Doesn't it feel wonderful to have a problem solved.

    My cat is laying on my legs now....normally the other one is laying beside me...sometimes I welcome their heat. Others not so much.

  4. As I listen to the 50 mph winds in our winter storm outside, I cannot imagine being hot!

  5. Pleased to read your TV works now Mittens. TV makes humnas sit still for a while so you can nap on them. Sometimes there's eye-catching stuff on TV too. I like animal programmes and murder mysteries set in the Caribbean. xxx Mr T

    1. She wouldn't let me sit on her because it was too hot - I had to sit on the coffee table and glare!
      Mittens 😻

  6. Oh no - chemo can be so cruel... do hope your sister in law recovers well. Yes, this heat is hard work - where I am renting I have a concrete deck that reflects the heat into the house...and the outside thermometer was reading 33 oC this afternoon, and it's in a shady corner on the deck! I will be visiting my daughter tomorrow as they will have the heat pump on cool!
    It will be good not to have the rain fade - and of course it always occurred in the critical parts you didn't want to miss!
    My cat isn't even coming inside at night!
    Stay safe

  7. Hello
    Your lunch and a chat with your friend sounds nice. Sending prayers for your SIL.
    It is really cold here, I am looking forward to a warm spring day. Take care, have a happy day!

  8. Oh, yes, when the weather gets real bad the TV says good-bye at the most important info/scene - Murphy´s law!
    Some ups and downs, glad the ups in front! x

  9. I agree with you about the oppressive nature of hot weather. On the coldest day in the winter I can dress up and stay warm, but it is impossible to escape heat.

  10. We get that echo too. Now I know it can be fixed I'll forward that info to Mr Fixit. Thank you

  11. Nice to visit....

    This is unheard of here.... Have not yet been inside the new house next door, which they moved into, Feb. 14, 2020!!!!! She and I both, will be happy, when this no-go-no-where-China-Covid-Virus thing is over.

    Best wishes for your sister in law.

    Heat/humidity melts me too. I do not enjoy summer, because of it. It's not constant, but.... It's so unpleasant, when it is around.

  12. I wouldn’t mind sharing some of this cold Margaret. We had a problem with our cable connection recently. A call Center in the Philippians helped us. Incredible really..

  13. ugh I wouldnt wish chemo on anyone or cancer for that matter, I hope she will be ok

  14. Yay!! Favourite tv programs back on for you - simple pleasures of life. Best wishes for your sister-in-law's chemo journey. Sounds as though you had such a lovely day with her xxxx

  15. You get to do normal stuff!! Too hot...of course at this time we are appreciative of anything above zero F. Best of luck to your sister in law, chemo affects everyone differently:(

  16. Can relate to so many things here. :) We get that "echo" when I'm in the sewing room with the small tv on and Poppy is in the living room watching the big tv. And, during heavy rain we lose the signal and the tv goes out. Just this morning I was wishing for warm weather again and sunshine. Funny how soon I forget how hot summer can be. And the cat! Dumper crawls in bed with me and I don't know he is there until I wake up roasting and feeling like I am pinned to the bed. So sorry about your sister-in-law. Hope it gets better for her.

  17. Always nice to catch up and have a chat.
    Here in England, UK as we are in lockdown (due to Covid restrictions), any chatting and catch-ups are all done using technology at the moment!

    So sorry about your sister-in-law, I do hope things improve for her soon.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan


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