Tuesday 12 January 2021

Lazy Days


And so another lazy day slides by.  Maybe it is summer lethargy, but I haven’t had much energy for doing anything in particular.

I get up in the morning, have a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, do my chores – and then sit down to my computer, usually with Mittens keeping me company.  A very mundane existence!

Waterlilies take it as it comes, maybe a good lesson for me to learn

However, life still goes on.  I currently have one sister-in-law (I have nine altogether) seriously ill in hospital.  She is in her late 70s and has been told they cannot do more for her than hope to keep her comfortable.

I would love to go and visit her, but have been told to stay away – she is undergoing chemotherapy and the slightest risk of infection would be disastrous.  Thankfully we can still have phone contact.

On the home front, this morning I did clean out the pantry and sort things out a bit.  It seems to need it occasionally as things get put away hurriedly and in the wrong place.  And crumbs seem to appear in the most unlikely places and need to be wiped up.

It has been a good day for drying washing as well.  Cloudy but warm and a good breeze blowing – makes the dried clothes smell nice and sweet.

Remember a smile makes less wrinkles than a frown 😊



  1. Sorry to read about SIL poor health. I understand the risk of infection thing but if you've been told this is terminal how would you spend the last time available to you? Isolated or with friends? Make good use of that phone. We were enormously grateful for all the folk that vvisited my Dad when he had been told the same news. Many came just to say 'hi'and sit with him enjoying his garden. xxx F & Mr T

  2. I'm sorry to hear of your sister-in-law. It's hard to stay apart at times like that. Otherwise your day seems so mundane and normal. We don't get many of those anymore. We miss them. Enjoy them for us.

  3. So sorry to learn about your SIL - best wishes. Wow 9 SILs?!
    For a lazy day you did pretty much! Glad you still can smile :-) xx

  4. Sorry to hear about your Sister in Law.

    Here the days are quiet too but that's because its cold, grey and damp out and everything is shut anyway!

  5. 1st wet day for over a week here and I've just changes the bedding!!

  6. Hello,
    The waterlilies are beautiful. Sending prayers for your SIL, it is sad that you are not able to visit. There is always something to do around the house, I would rather be outside. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  7. We all deserve a little summer lethargy once in a while. A little early morning walk is pleasant though before the heat become too intense.

  8. Drying the washing on the line sounds nice. Wishing the best to your sister-in-law.

  9. This time of year makes line drying impossible here. It is a great sign of spring here when we can put clothes on the line again.

    Enjoy your summer. I am envious!

  10. Oh my ... Crumbs! Which just seem to appear, everywhere!!!!! So glad I am not the only one, who finds them. And I puzzle about how/where they came from. -Yish-

  11. I just added up my SILs and I have 9 as well. All in fair health considering several are into their 80's. It's sad to hear about your SIL so ill and unable to have visitors.
    Crumbs and general disorder happen no matter how often you tidy up. Days when I sun shines in
    ( rarely in winter) I see how badly the windows need cleaning. It's the chore I dislike the most.

  12. Sorry about your sister-in-law. Sounds a busy day to me.

  13. Now that sounds like the type of life I was envisioning when I moved onto the rental, but it has been frantic these last few weeks, with family away and taking care of various pets twice a day, and also doing some babysitting for one family... never mind, when it quietens down again I will again try to have a few quiet 'home' days :)
    Your pantry must look wonderful now... it's amazing how quickly they need to be cleaned and sorted again
    Stay safe

  14. Just call it 'dolce far niente' and then it is justified.

  15. Okay so I have to wonder what the weather and temps are like right now in New Zealand....yesterday it was really cold here in Nashville TN. Today the temp will be 50....I can handle that for sure. I have the back door open so the cats can go to the screened deck. I love clothes on the line but not doing it when it is 50. haha

    1. Hi Pam. This week we have been in the mid-80s (fahrenheit) with mostly blue skies and sunshine. Too hot for me!


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