Thursday 21 January 2021

A Morning Out


It was a bit of a shock to the system this morning to wake up to 9 degrees (48F), but it soon warmed up again. 

We have blustery wind and frequent showers today, but I thought I would still go for a walk at the Lake in the centre of the city.

However, I had only taken several steps when the heavens opened and sent me scuttling back to the car!  The ducks had the right idea, sitting in the grass with their heads down.

A lot of pukeko live around the Lake – but they have absolutely no road sense at all.  One of them sat on the road in front of me (I stopped) and then proceeded to wander the long way across the front of the car to reach the side of the road.

From the Lake I headed into town and filled my car with petrol before going to the supermarket.  For my treat this week I bought this New Zealand made block of chocolate.  I have had this before and enjoyed the delicate taste of coffee mixed in with the cocoa.

I’m sorry I haven’t kept up with blog visiting this week, but I hope everyone has been keeping well.

Take care 😊



  1. That's my favourite chocolate bar. Yummy.

    1. Whittakers put out some nice flavours, some rather unusual.

  2. Do they put the chocolate near the checkout to encourage impulse buying?

    1. A lot of candy bars are located near the checkout (and I have seen many succumb to the temptation!), but generally the blocks of chocolate are located down an aisle (this one was).

  3. I have never seen a pukeko before. That is a very cool looking bird!

  4. What a pretty bird! Oh to be inside a store again...that would be fun!

  5. Hmmm - the best sort of chocolate ever!! We were cool here too this morning, and have had an occasional squally shower through the day too. A friend and I went to Rotovagus today and I ended up buying new curtains (Best Warehouse, at half price) and a lavender diffuser :)
    Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog
    Stay safe

  6. Ah Whittakers. F always brings some back when she has been home. We understand it has way surpassed a certain Englush brand that got its recipe changed when it sold out to interests 'across the Pond'. You have to feel sorry for Americans, they've got messed up politics and terrible chocolate. Furrings & purrings MrT

  7. Wow - and we have 11C! Weird!
    Oh, that bird is a beauty! The chocolate, aw, well... enjoy 😉 xx

  8. I only drink black coffee or red wine, never touch tea, so you think I would love coffee flavour, but I dislike anything else with coffee in. I am also a chocolate lover, but I can't stand chocolate ice cream, I know that makes me really strange. Luckily we don't have any strange road dangerous birds here.

    1. Haha, I'm the opposite - I like coffee IN things (like cake!) but cannot stand drinking it :))

  9. Hello,
    The first scene and view of the lake is pretty. Sorry, it had to rain. The ducks night like a rain shower. I love dark chocolate, yum! Take care, have a happy day!

  10. 9o. Hell that's what it was here this morning but it's winter here!
    Oh to see a pukeko in the middle of the road. It would be a tortoise here

  11. Nine degrees is quite cold for a summer morning. Nice for sleeping with the window open however. Take care!

  12. What fun pictures and love the colorful bird.

    Hugs Diane

  13. I bet Roger would love your chocolate! I love the bird...I always forget what they are without the photo...maybe I will remember eventually.

  14. I'm loving the cooler temperatures, it's like Autumn is here early and my menopausal body is loving it.

  15. I don't think I've ever had anything chocolate that I didn't like. Well...maybe that 85% dark chocolate bar I got one Christmas. That was too bitter for me.
    Our Canada Geese sometimes saunter in front of cars. They're big birds and would make quite a mess if one drove over it. Drivers must be careful because I haven't ever seen a dead one beside the street.

  16. It has been unusually chilly. Strange "summer". Whittakers chocolate is amazing - all of it. Off to buy some now......

  17. We've had a couple of cooler mornings but not as cold as you've had. Thank Heavens. Here today we have a perfect summers day in my book - sunshine, blue skies and a good breeze accompanied by pleasant sounds, the odd cheer and "Howzat" from the nearby sports field. Glad you enjoyed your morning out. And that chocolate!


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