Saturday 15 October 2022

A First Taste of Summer


The garden is slowly recovering after last week’s unexpected heavy frost.  Things are starting to shoot away again, although we doubt whether the grape will recover enough to fruit this season – but Nature is amazing, and it may do so.

We have had our first harvest off my Camarosa strawberries and enjoyed them for our dessert.  I prefer my strawberries to be soft and juicy, but these were still a little firm although definitely ripe and full of flavour.  Perhaps it is the variety?  Or maybe we simply haven’t seen enough warm sunshine yet.

We have another grey day today, although there is no prospect of rain and it isn’t really that cold.  Just one of those drab days where one needs to find something to occupy the time.

I think I will go and make some cheese scones for our lunch 😊




  1. Sounds like you would like Cavendish...if I am remembering correctly. I don't know anything about this variety. I don't know much about strawberries period but when I worked at the orchard Cavendish strawberries sounds like what you would want. I cannot remember all the varieties we grew...we grew Jet Star, Seneca, Honey-o...not sure about that spelling...and there were others but it has been too long ago for me to remember.

    BTW, those look delicious.

  2. The strawberries look great! You have a long growing season!

  3. Those strawberries look so tasty!! Cheese scones sound like an excellent idea. Baking is the perfect past time on a drab day.

  4. Ah, that's a sure sign summer is on its way. I saw some strawberries in the supermarket during the week, the very sign of them cheers me up. Yours look delicious.

  5. Our strawberries signal the start of summer. That's a long way off. It's finally raining here. We need it but hope there's more sunshine to come.
    Enjoy your scones

  6. Those strawberries look yummy!
    Cheese scones?! Recipe, please? I´ve never heard of that!!!! x

  7. Those look fabulous Margaret - never mind that they be a wee bit firm :) . My brother trimmed the burnt leaves off his grape vine after the frost, and it is coming away well - I may have to go and do likewise to my poor burnt wee vine.. hopefully it will sprout again

  8. Those strawbs look great. It's early for strawberrys is it not? May e you are right about a bit more heat to fill them out and develop the sweetness. XXX Mr T

  9. I love your blog, just as our nature is closing down for the winter, you show your nature waking up, we try and only eat seasonal fruit and veg, so strawberries are months away for us. Cheese scones sounds wonderful.

  10. The mere memory of juicy fresh strawberries is enough to make me salivate!

  11. The strawberries look delicious! It is good they didn't got damaged if you had frost. Here we had the first autumn frostnight a few days ago.

  12. It's just wonderful to think of spring and strawberries... thanks for your photo :-))
    We have the most beautiful autumn now, sun, blue sky and the beautiful coloring of the leaves.
    Sunday greetings to you from Viola

  13. It is so refreshing to see beautiful ripe strawberries. We are enjoying the cool weather fall with cabbages, greens, etc. with winter right behind it.


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