Thursday, 13 October 2022

A Slight Mishap


Sometimes the days seem to slip by so fast and when I look back I wonder what I actually did with my time.  Thank goodness I keep a journal to remind me!

After much thinking about whether to or not, I finally went and had my second covid booster shot.  I know many people this time round who are not going to have it, but as I fall into both the Seniors and the Immunocompromised categories I decided it was prudent to do so.

I had the usual after-effects – headache, sore arm, lethargy.   Nothing too major and I just needed to rest for a couple of days and drink lots of water.

That would have been fine, only son needed me to move my car so that he could get out.  It is only a matter of backing down the drive, waiting for him to back down, then driving back up again.

Only, because of my grogginess (at least, that is what I am blaming!), I failed to see that the wind had blown the gate partially shut.  You can guess what happened.

With a mighty crash, my car and the gate had a close encounter and I nearly died of fright. 

It wasn’t too bad though.  The gate now has a big dent in it, there are superficial scratches on one car door, and the casing for my wing mirror was broken.

The last couple of days, my dear son has been tinkering around with the casing and gluing it back together again.  This afternoon he put it all together and everything works.  Thank goodness for that.

Always remember the Golden Rule of Safe Driving – check to see what is around your vehicle before you hop in!

Margaret 😊



  1. Better the booster than the covid. F had three vax shots and a very mild dose of plague, but her lungs are still wrecked nearly 5 weeks later. The coughing was actually worse after she 'recovered' and had negative tests again. Sorry to read about your car and thank goodness for clever sons. xxx Mr T

  2. Oh Margaret - I know that scary sound of a car collecting something - thankfully I had not done it in a while..
    I hear you with the journal - I also keep one.
    Thankfully I have had no after effects with any of the vaccinations

  3. Oh that could totally be me! Thank goodness the damage was Minor

  4. My husband reversed my company car into our gate post, 2 days before it was being collected. Could not get a new wing mirror, so he bodged it back into place. The car was collected, we never heard if the wing mirror fell off on the drive back. If we have left it we would have been charged for them to replace it at a huge cost.

  5. Yes, that is the reason I started blogging again. It is like a nice diary itself.

  6. Glad that no serious injury resulted. These little accidents are easily done.

  7. Oh no! Sorry to hear about your accident.

  8. Lucky you were! Could have been much worse.

    And lots of hugs to your Dear Son...

    💛 🌟 💛 🌟 💛

  9. oh no, that must've given you a heck of a fright. Hope you had a good cup of tea afterwards or a strong drink.

  10. Sorry about your little mishap. I'm glad you're okay and that the gate and car can be fixed.

  11. Oh no - so sorry to hear this, it's good your son can make the repairs!

  12. Great that your son could fix it for you. :)

  13. Things happen to all of us at some point...I am glad it was not a serious accident.

  14. Glad the damage wasn’t more serious, Margaret.

  15. That must have given you such a fright, especially if you were feeling groggy to start with. I'm glad your tinkering son was able to put your wing mirror back together again.


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