Tuesday 1 September 2020

Is It Springtime Yet?


Did you know that there are four acknowledged First Days of Spring?  Today, the first of September, is only one of them.   It is the Meteorological Date, created by breaking up the four seasons into four three-monthly periods according to the Gregorian calendar, and is commonly used to make it easier to compare notes between different years.

Astronomically, the seasons change with the solstices and equinoxes.  Spring therefore is counted as beginning on the day of the Vernal Equinox, which this year (in New Zealand) falls on 23 September.

Another viewpoint is that Solar Winter covers the three months with the least amount of available sunshine, with Winter Solstice being in the middle, meaning that Solar Spring would begin in early August.  I found it interesting to note this year that that was when the blackbirds and sparrows began nesting.

Still others will follow the cycle of Mother Nature, trusting that she will know when the time is right for trees to burst their buds or birds to begin nesting.  There is a whole system devoted to gardening this way, known as phenology, where plants are set out according to what nature is doing.  In New Zealand, a common example of this is found in the belief that when the shrubby kumarahou begins to flower it is time to begin planting the kumara crop.

To me, the seasons are not static.  Sometimes our autumn is incredibly short yet at other times it can last for ages, spring often appears to be the same as winter although we have more daylight and sometimes the days are warmer.  Summer can be cool and wet, or hot and very dry.  Some areas of the world experience long winters or long summers, while ours are usually reasonably short.

So, which system is correct?  I guess it all comes down to personal preference and what you wish to obtain from acknowledging the passing of each different season.  This year, I am trying to appreciate all of them and the little joys that each season can bring.

Stay safe 😊



  1. For me September 1 is the beginning of Fall so maybe for you it could be the first day of Spring.
    Why wait until the end of the month until it becomes official? The grape hyacinths you saw yesterday certainly say Spring! And lambs...did you take that delightful picture?

    1. I did take the photo, although it is an old one that was taken in 2006 when we ran our own small flock of sheep.
      I have always thought of the start of September as the change of season - it is a much easier way to do it and there are already signs of spring around :)
      I hope your autumn is an enjoyable one, Mxx

  2. Glad to see that you are back to posting again. :)

  3. Autumn shows herself to us when the leaves start changing colour and dropping, normally late September, but this year some plants and trees are already starting to change, I never think of calendar dates, I judge by mother nature.

  4. It may also depend on what you what to know it for - if for growing food then you are interested in the season itself, this season, today (did you call that phenology?). If you want to compare one year with others you would want a fixed date. In general I like the Solar Winter idea as the Spring awakening for me starts well before the beginning of September, and your photo reminds me to write to my cousin and ask how the lambing has gone for her this year.

  5. Hello,
    It seems like all the systems may be correct. I follow the weather and the length of daylight. we are seeing cooler temps in the morning and later in the day. Leaves are starting to fall. Love the cute lamb, adorable photo! Happy Spring to you! Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. I can tell you for sure that it is not the first day of spring on any of those four days where I live!

  7. The photo of the sheep and lamb is so precious. I have never been around sheep other than in passing and feel I have missed out on something.

    I guess I really feel autumn has begun here...the sound at night are so different. I notice fall more than any other season and think I always have. Though spring is right behind. .

    1. Autumn (I keep forgetting you call if Fall) is still my most favourite season, and never seems to last long enough :)

  8. Happy spring to you Margaret. I always considered the equinox as the beginning of autumn.

  9. I love to pay attention to the Turning of the Wheel of the Year, as it goes.

    Where you are going to Spring, we are going to Autumn. ~smile~

    Enjoy! Whatever season we are in.

  10. Ahhh the first day of September. For me it means that Canadian summer is over and I can look forward to starting up my usual fall and winter activities.... art group, line dancing, Scottish Country Dance, snooker, etc.... alas not this year, Mr Covid 19 has put a stop to it all for now.

    1. Activities like that would make me look forward to Winter! A shame so many things have been put aside with this virus.

  11. Welcome Laurie.
    Yes, I believe they are filmed here. If I remember right, the town used was Warkworth, which is north of Auckland and about 3-4 hours from us here in Hamilton.

  12. I had felt that it was already spring - lambs, daffodils, freesias, and hay fever. My cousin corrected me, but in my heart, I could feel spring. But that's just me. I love the way the seasons roll into each other, too, Margaret.

    1. It is much nicer to think it is spring than winter! And, really, they do blur together don't they :)

  13. Sweet mother sheep with the lamb!

    I found your blog by Granny Marigold.

    Greetings from te Bavarian Forest!

  14. It would have been easy to accept yesterday as the first day of spring here, it was a glorious day. Today is much more like real spring weather = rainy and windy.

    1. It has only been cloudy here today and tomorrow is meant to be glorious (although cool) - I may just go for a drive out into the countryside to enjoy it :)

  15. Spring is certainly being eccentric this year - sunny one day - cold and wet the next. I tend yo start thinking spring when the daffodils flower and the tulips start to sprout, so it's about two weeks into it according to that marker :)
    We had a glorious day here today, and another one forecast for tomorrow :)
    Stay safe

  16. If I had something to say: Spring - Summer - Spring - Summer, repeat!
    And I want a real, hot summer next year!

  17. We are headed to Fall here and then our long winter. Fun to see your spring flowers:)


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