Friday 28 August 2020

The Victorian Flower Garden

 After the fog rolled away this morning, the sun was shining and it was perfect for a walk.  

I decided to go to the Victorian Flower Garden, a seldom visited part of the Hamilton Gardens complex.   Long-term plans for this area are to demolish this “ageing” glasshouse (it is about sixty years old) that has “reached the end of its lifespan” and build a carpark here instead.

I have now put the government’s official Covid-19 tracking app on my phone, and used it for the first time today as I entered the glasshouse.

I thought the floral display was pretty and loved the tile floors.

Off to one side there is a Succulent Garden, and this sign made me smile.

The cacti area is only small but in much better condition than many others I have seen.

Off to the other side is a Tropical Garden but there was a family in there having official photographs being taken, so I didn’t intrude.

Instead, I sat for a while on a garden seat and simply enjoyed the flowers.

Have a great day 😊



  1. What a lovely place. It seems sad that it is going to be demolished to build a car park. B x

  2. What a shame to turn it into a carpark. Are there any plans to build a replacement? As kids we loved going to the glasshouse at any gardens we visited - and they all seemed to have them (varying sizes and collections). I think it was the heat and humidity that amazed us - especially in the tropical houses.

  3. What a tragedy it would be to replace this ancient gem with a parking lot. I hope that funding can be found to renovate or replace it. When I see what is raised on line these days for everything under the sun, some of it questionable as to its authenticity, this would seem to be a natural and very worthy candidate.

  4. Hello,

    I am glad you could visit the glasshouse and see all the beautiful plants and flowers. It is sad to hear it will be coming down. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!

  5. What a beautiful spot. I must make time to see it soon. Thank you so much for sharing this Margaret. I have repeatedly tried to download the app, but it is incompatible with my phone, and the young techi's in the family can't figure out why!!
    Stay safe

  6. A carpark?!!!
    I hope you can keep it! Sooo beautiful!
    The floor!! They cannot take that away.
    Will check latest on Monday on our Botanical Garden (it was open but the weather was shit#y last time).

  7. I would have loved the cacti area...they are just so different. And I suppose since t dont see cacti every day, that alone makes them more interesting.

  8. Wonder what will become of the succulents when they demolish the green house? There are quite a few there and many large ones.

  9. I hope they are building a replacement to house all those beautiful plants. Will they salvage the beautiful tile floor?

  10. That looks lovely. It has been raining here all day, so I could do with a walk through a glasshouse to cheer myself up.

  11. Like the previous comments I think it would be a shame to demolish the glasshouse and build a carpark. Just look at the amazing floor in there.

  12. Demolish it for a carpark!! That is terrible. I know so many people who ravel through and to, Hamilton, who rave about the gardens and parks.

  13. I've been using the covid app for the last couple of weeks, it was quite easy to install etc. We visited Hamilton Gardens in 2015 for the wedding of one of the other half's daughters, it was a scorching hot day and a day/night that sadly I didn't enjoy.

  14. Surely, they won't demolish it for a carpark! It's so pretty. I love anything "Victorian".

  15. Another garden to add to my To See list when I next visit. I'm sure one could visit Hamilton just to view the many different gardens. Thanks for the lovely photos.

  16. Wow! I love the tiled floors and all the plants! That's too bad they feel the building has passed its usefulness. It's such a beautiful place!


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