Sunday, 1 January 2023

The Start of Another Year


Happy New Year everyone!

Today is the first day of January in 2023.  The start of another year and traditionally a time to set new resolutions and begin things off fresh.

I didn’t stay up last night.  I haven’t done that for many years now – the new year always arrives without any help from me!

Even Millie and Mittens wish you all an awesome 2023!

I remember my parents used to stay up until midnight, share a glass of Port together and then retire to bed.

Another family member was telling me that at midnight all the doors of their house would be opened, to let out the old year and usher in the new.

When I was a teenager, I remember going to New Year parties where the lights would all go out at midnight and the boys would kiss the girls closest to them!

Do you have any traditions you observe as one year changes to another? 

I’d love to hear about them if you do 😊



HEADER PHOTO for JANUARY 2023          

This 2012 photo shows the Karangahake River (pronounced car-rang-a-hack-ee) in the gorge between Waihi and Paeroa.  There are some lovely walking tracks through this area, and lots of history (mostly gold mining) for anyone interested in relics.


  1. Love the new header,

    Our tradition included a repeat of Christmas meals without the gift giving. Happy New Year, Margaret.

  2. I love the karangahape gorge. No traditions for New Year. I might have to change this.

  3. Happy New Year Margaret. We might stay up to welcome the new year but we don't have any particular plans.
    The only thing I do to welcome the new year is start a new journal ( which I've been working on getting it decorated and ready.)

  4. We have not stayed up until midnight for years either. We typically celebrate an Easy Coast New Years which is 3 hours ahead of us, that way we can get to bed at 9:00!

  5. We are like you, Margaret, we slink off to bed early and the New Year arrives without us.

  6. Other than creating some fun goals for the New Year, we usually don't do much of anything for New Years. I prefer to sleep instead of waiting up to welcome in the New Year.


  7. We feel somewhat embarrassed that we slink off to bed way before midnight, but neither of us are Night Owls, and we haven't seen the New Year in since 2000, when we took Bill's parents, then approaching their 80s, to the Waterfront for the fabulous Harbour Fireworks display. Of course we were all worried about whether anything was going to work as the millennium ticked over, but as it did, we've reckoned an ordinary year can manage all by itself pretty easily! We can look at the fireworks, now done at 9.00, from our bedroom balcony, and we did enjoy that. Then we went to sleep, wishing that 2023 brings us all health, contentment with all we enjoy and empathy for those who have so much less.

  8. Happy New Year. We do the same as you now, off to bed before midnight. I remember the teenage tradition similar to yours.

  9. We sat up and watched the London Fireworks and was in bed soon after they had finished, locally the fireworks were all finished by 12.15

  10. Yupp, we went to bed "early", too.
    LOL, right, I can use your words next time, too? The New Year will make it without my help?
    Love that! As Millie and Mittens!

    Oh, boy, yes. Our parents made us stay up (or woke us an hour before) and we had to "celebrate".

    But the kissing idea is so cute!!!! Lights going out and getting a kiss, awwww. Great tradition, unknown here!
    We should have that! My big Niece is 12 years old!
    Think if I told my Brother he would say "no"...

    We had the darn fondue.
    Melted fat over an open flame. It was a horror each time. Dad, later my Brother had to put the food in and out for me.

    A better one was: At 11:99 we all went up on the "stack-sims" by the fire. Dad counted town then we all held hands and jumped down together, kissed and wished us a Happy New New - thank you for the memories, dear Margaret - I might share that in 12 months! xx

  11. Happy New Year! Your cats are ever so cute!

  12. This year, from our home in the US we watched the Sydney fireworks display thanks to Youtube, well before midnight our time, then this morning our broadcast TV let us watch a New Year's Day parade in London Live!

    Wishing you all the best.

  13. My humans didn't stay up until midnight and it seemed like a normal night until all the fireworks went off and our neighbourhood sounded like a war zone for about half an hour. Happy New Year to you all. Xxx Mr T

  14. I was annoyed by super loud fireworks for an hour from 9-10, then it calmed down and I got to sleep, before being woken again about midnight - realised what the cacophony was about so went back to sleep! I must be getting old!
    Happy new year Margaret - may 2023 be good to you

  15. No traditions here...I am up though just cause I am a night owl. LOL


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