Friday 1 April 2022

Cold Feet


Us Kiwis love to wander around barefoot, especially during the summer, and I seldom wear shoes at home when the weather is hot.

However, with mornings growing cooler my tootsies are feeling the cold so I decided to buy myself some slippers for winter.   My previous ones lasted about three seasons, but were beginning to fall apart at the end of last winter and found their way into the trash.

I made my way over to Kmart department store and found plenty of slippers – big Ugg boots (too hot for me) and comfy scuffs (no foot support, which I need), but no shoe-style slippers.  However, I did find some shoes that could act as house shoes and double as slippers, and also some casual slip-ons that will be great next summer.

The shoes were all on special and, altogether, my three pairs came to $19.50.  Even if they only last one season (and I can usually get more than that out of them) they are a big bonus for my budget!

Stir-fry vegetables for dinner tonight, with some mincemeat and mushrooms for flavour.  

My turn to cook 😊

Bye for now,



The Header photo for this month is one of Tree Ferns in the Otanewainuku Forest near Tauranga.



  1. I've given up on slippers and just wear fluffy socks around the house.

  2. Beautiful header photo Margaret - and I made chicken stir fry for dinner tonight. What a great buy your shoes were!!

  3. I was wearing sandals outside last week and bare feet inside, I am now back to slippers as out winter returns this week.

  4. Looks like your feet will be warm and comfy.

  5. My kids loved the way nzers wander around barefoot. They were young mothers when they last visited, kicked off their shoes even if it was only November.
    I love the summer with jandals. In winter I wear Sox around the house.

  6. Slippers are a way of life here, winter and summer.

  7. What a great deal.on the the dlippers! I need some that are eady to.slip.on and off. I wear thongs all the time I can...but there is cold weather when I have to wear shoes.

  8. A good buy indeed on the shoes. At home, I am a sock person, all day, all night. My feet are usually chilly, but to be honest, I would never have been a foot model, not pretty! Stir fry sounds great, hmmm, inspiration for this weekend's dinner. Thanks, Mary

  9. Gorgeous new Header!

    I need foot support too. Can never use slippers.

    But those your found, if for me, they have at least a 1" heel, would work.

    I have cold feet and can't enjoy much barefoot time. Even if I just have cotton socks on my feet, I feel better. :-)

    Stir fry with mincemeat. Have never heard of this and it sounds gooooood!!!!

    🌸🌱🌺 Little Break 🌺🌱🌸

  10. Nice choice of house shoes. I prefer my indoor shoes to have a hard sole so on dry days I can go out without bothering to change footwear.

  11. Yes, I was going to start with that I love your new banner!
    K-Mart 😊
    Got my wedding dress there, AUD$ 9,99 🧡
    Miss that store...


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