Sunday 30 August 2020

Blame The Weather


The weather takes a lot of blame for our bad moods and grumpiness, but maybe it really does have an affect on us and how we feel.

Today we have had cloudy sunshine and a temperamental gusty wind, and I woke with a mood that matched.  I was not alone – even the cats were behaving strangely, racing around chasing each other and playing on the scratching pole like they were still kittens.

Cloudy Sunshine - a sunny day with lots of clouds

However, feeling blah didn’t last long.  By the time the household chores were completed I was ready to sit outside in the garden for a while and enjoy the sunshine.  It gets too hot in the summer to do this so it has become one of my favourite Winter Enjoyments.

Dutch Iris add a splash of colour to the garden

Two young rats (ratlings?) have now joined our household (more about them tomorrow) and seem to be settling in well. 

It really is a Lazy Sunday today.  It is now mid-afternoon and I am sitting on the bed in the sun writing this, with Mittens the cat curled up beside me for company.

The wallflowers are in bud and the anenomes are still looking pretty

The garden is looking reasonably colourful at the moment, although the wind is making tatters of the Iceland Poppies.

Until tomorrow,

Margaret 😊


  1. Yes, the weather. Soon I will have to fight to feel happy with the dark half of the year coming around. After one of the coldest summers we had. Nice your cat keeps you company, awww.
    Only 12C (OK it´s 06:40 and yes, it´s a Sunday morno), but highest is 21C and it still is August! The hottest month of the year. Actually... Aw, well, to a nice Sunday! Hugs from here :-)

  2. Yes, we had a similar day today - and I spent most of it indoors as I had some cards to make - that's my escape to my happy place if I am not in the garden.
    Stay safe

  3. Hello,
    It is great to have some nice weather for working in the garden.. Your flowers are beautiful. I love the iris and poppies. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week ahead!

  4. I'm planning my spring bulb pots at the moment, we still have late summer flowers here.

  5. You should come here and try sitting in the garden in the winter!!

  6. One can also feel blah in energy sapping heat and without those gorgeous irises to add some cheer. Here the gardens hung on in July and the first week of August but its all really burned off now - even with regular watering; it's like plants have given up the fight. Too hot even for the tomatoes!

    1. That heat sounds so debilitating. I don't think I could handle that - I would shrivel up like your tomatoes!

  7. I am so envious of you winter garden. I like your winters much more than ours!

    1. But your winters always look so pretty! Actually, it wasn't until I encountered snow storms when staying with my daughter that I fully realized what all that snow and cold entails - and I didn't have to deal with it!

  8. Your flowers are beautiful. The weather has an affect on my moods. I can get really down and gloomy on rainy, cloudy days. The sun comes out and I feel totally different. I too love sitting in the sun on cold days, somewhere where you can't feel the wind.

  9. stunning flowers, and a beautiful sky.

  10. I love the blue blue sky and all those fluffy white clouds.
    Our winters are very dreary, wet, chilly, and uninspiring. I like yours better.

  11. I love days that have skies such as in the first shot.

    When we have days on end of overcast days, it really gets to me. Just cannot hardly stand them. I am fine with one or two days and actually enjoy them. But sometimes when it is days on end, I will go through the house and turn every single light on for a while!

  12. Your flowers are still so pretty! I kinda go with the flow of weather, although I love the bright sunshine-y days best, I also love thunderstorms. Guess I'm a flip-flop lol. Our winters in Kansas are just cold and dry for the most part, pretty much blah. Spring and summer are the lively times! Blessings to you, Margaret!


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