Sunday 17 April 2022

My Home Gym


I confess that I am not an Ideal Housewife and I certainly don’t subscribe to the idea of minimalism.  I like to have things around me that make me feel like I belong to this place, somewhere I can call Home.

I have always done my best to keep my home reasonably clean and tidy, but recently I’ve begun doing more Deep Cleaning around our home and am loving the results.

(Deep Cleaning: doing things that are often ignored as they don’t usually need doing on a regular basis – things like turning out cupboards, scrubbing down walls, cleaning lightshades)

I have mapped out a schedule to keep me on track.  It is not an arduous one as it takes 36 weeks to complete, but is designed to give me, with my limited mobility, some exercise.

Autumn colour in the field behind our home

The word “exercise” fills me with mild horror at the thought of following a structured regime with added pressure to achieve certain targets.  That may be good for some, but not what I call enjoyable.  I don’t want to run a marathon or play sports or look like a super-model.  I just want to be able to keep moving as I grow older, to keep doing things I love, and to feel good doing them.

Hence the creation of my Home Gym – deep cleaning the house!  I can stretch, bend over, reach out, walk around more – I find I can even break into a mild sweat scrubbing cupboard doors LOL.

I take my time doing these chores (I’ve been at it a few weeks now), and deliberately make an effort to find enjoyment while doing them.  The bonus is a house that is beginning to ‘sparkle.’

From experience, I know if I stop moving my arthritis will seize me up completely.  I’m told that any movement is better than none, but I am starting to also find that as I do things I am able to do more things.

Always find enjoyment in everything you do 😊




  1. I agree; home gym is the best! DH and I are both retired (not youngsters anymore) and we do whatever we can and the best exercise for us is yard work. Recently I painted the walls and ceiling in two rooms and soon I'm doing another room. We don't have a car, we walk a lot and do all grocery shopping by foot. Best gym! Happy Easter!

  2. Good for you, Margaret!! Arthritis keeps me from wanting to do things, but, yes, the more we move, the easier it is. Mornings are hard, though, haha... I do not want to try to get out of bed with that arthritic pain, but sooner to do it the better. And your "Home Gym" is much cheaper than buying the other type!! Have a lovely day!

  3. The idea of "exercise" fills me with horror too. The only exercise I don't mind is walking. Deep cleaning your home sounds like a great idea and having a long term plan keeps it from being odious. You get the benefits of a tidy home and a more supple body.
    Happy Easter!!

  4. What a great idea, to break the jobs down to 36 weeks worth. I am also not keen on a regular exercise regime, but I do love to walk around our local, manmade, lake, especially in this fabulous weather we are having. I am also finding that as I get older I have to make an effort to keep more mobile.

  5. Great idea. That would my idea of torture but as we all know 'each to their own'. It will keep you supple all right. And you'll have the bonus of a shining house you will be proud of

  6. Everything at our age has to be done in bite size moments, that way I don't ache too bad after.

  7. Yes, it's key to keep moving as we age. I have the same home gym equipment as you do! LOL! Happy Easter, Margaret.

  8. Love your idea of home gym, mine sure would, too, the windows already scream at me!!
    I agree - enjoy!!! That is what matters!
    The first week in the job, no sport - brain full and I would not have enjoyed it, so. Nope.
    Oh, can those windows shut up for now?! ;-)

  9. I read something similar years ago and it makes sense.

  10. That kind of exercise is much better than the gym because it uses a full range of movements not just the unidirectional stuff dictated by gym equipment. Good on you and bloody marvellous idea. Power to your arm(s) we say. xxx Mr T and F

  11. I am impressed. It's a really good idea. Until the end of last year I used to walk a lot. However I had what I thought was a frozen shoulder. In January I was quite ill and I got out of the habit of 'formal' daily exercise including walking. My physio persuaded me to join a Move More group at the sports centre run by a former olympic athlete who lives here. I've never looked back. That and the fact that it's spring and garden maintenance time mean that I'm getting more exercise than I have for a long time. Many people (fortunately not I) on the Move More programme have arthritis and are finding ways through it. You seem to have found your own Move More bur what is really impressive that it's you who have motivated yourself.

  12. If it works for you, and you are deriving satisfaction from it too, that's all that matters. Carry on!

  13. This is such a great idea. I never thought of it as a home gym. One friend I used to know did her whole house every spring. Just took it a room at a time. The house was small by standards these days. But still a job, but she seemed to love doing it. I have did the whole room thing, but not in the time frame she did it. Even when I was younger. And I have been feeling the need to start doing things again, but our house is so small, and there are so many things I have to stock now...but still I need to do things. Maybe I will get motivated after reading this and be able to make some progress.

  14. Well put Margaret - you have a great way of looking at a solution that works for you. Happy Easter. Regards. KEV.

  15. Keep moving is the key. The fact that the house benefits is a huge bonus. I love that feeling of a clean room/house.

  16. It's like walking. The more you walk, the longer you can walk.

  17. A totally brilliant post!

    Everyone should read this, and heed it!

    And I am not kidding, or just being nice, with my comment!

    I mean it!


    Gentle hugs,

  18. Sounds like what I do! I should make a schedule! You go gal...keep on moving!

  19. What a neat idea to think of cleaning house as a home gym. It is a workout for sure. I used to love housekeeping. Now I stand and look around at tough cleaning jobs and think, yuk! I have started washing the windows and screens and finished all the living room windows before Easter. Whew!

  20. It's hard work but satisfying to see the end results.

  21. I totally agree with your plans.....we just have to keep moving. I call raking up the fallen breadfruit leaves in my garden exercise. I find going swimming once a week and moving all my joints around in the water keeps them flexible too.


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