Thursday 9 April 2020


My great-niece is heartbroken.  She is only ten years old and has been spending lock-down living with her grandparents and making great friends with their pet rabbit named Ruby.

Last night I learned that the night before something had roamed onto their property and now Ruby is nowhere to be found.  There were long claw scratch-marks on the hutch and the door had been forced open, presumably by a wandering dog.

Their property is not easy to access and the animal would have to have made quite a trip to reach the hutch, but this does not help the sorrow of a little girl.

She tells me she is hoping that Ruby managed to escape and will wander back home.  It would be a miracle if she did.


I see our TV ads have added a new saying to their “stay home, save lives” and “stay safe” and “be kind” promotions.  Now they are also saying “love your bubble.”  (Bubble being the name given to the group you are isolating with).

So, love your bubble everyone J



  1. Oh, poor Ruby! I hope she's safe.

  2. Your poor great-niece and poor Ruby.

  3. Oh, how sad is that with Ruby and your Niece!
    But cute saying with the bubble. Mine is just one. Well, the two of us...
    But I think it might be over soon! Baskets are allowed now!

  4. I suspect the rabbit has become lunch for some other critter. As for loving our bubble, we are fortunate who have a bubble. We should not ignore the fact that many people are isolated and alone.

  5. Hello, I am so sorry for your great niece and Ruby! Take care, wishing you a great day!

  6. Such a hard time for a child with an adored pet missing like that.

  7. Poor girls. I hope Ruby is safe and wanders home. Who knows.
    Love your bubble. Good advice

  8. That is very sad, I feel so sorry for Ruby and your great niece. Miracles happen and I pray that Ruby is okay. I love it, love your bubble Margaret!

  9. My bubble is just me! But I am learning to love myself!!!
    I feel for your little girl, such a sad thing to happen... and I have fingers crossed that Ruby comes home.

  10. I feel so sorry for your great-niece. How awful that some animal broke into Ruby's cage. I often hear strange noises in our backyard at night and worry that the exact same fate awaits my rabbit. Her cage is against the back wall of the house under the bedroom window. Our yard is fenced so that gives me some assurance of her safety.
    You and I are more fortunate than most since your 'bubble' consists of three and mine 6. I can't imagine how hard it is being entirely on one's own during this time.

    1. I have friends in single bubbles and know how difficult it is for them. Like you, I am so thankful not to be alone at this time.

  11. Let me tell you about a rabbit named Bailey. She belonged to my older daughter. We were gone, and came home and found the cage doors open and she was gone. We assumed the worst. A few days later, one of the neighbors came and told Roger there was a rabbit down there under this old car, and it was strange. Not really scared. He went down, and looked under and called her name and here she came!

    See, the girls would let her loose in the yard, and if something scared her, she ran and jumped in their lap/arms...

    So, it is possible she lived. I wish there would be an ending like this.


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