Sunday 3 April 2022

Changing Our Clocks


At 2am this morning our clocks all went back an hour as Daylight Saving came to an end.  It always takes me a few days to adjust, and really throws the pet’s feeding schedules out of plumb.

For myself, I find the best and easiest way to adjust is to become a clock-watcher for a couple of days.  If the clock reads 12 noon I know it is time to prepare lunch, that sort of thing.  By the end of the week my body will have readjusted itself and I can return to running on instinct.

We had thick fog again this morning, along with 100% humidity and a temperature of 14 degrees Celsius.  The sun is breaking through now (mid-morning) so the fog is retreating as the day warms up.

The moist warmth hasn’t prevented me from changing and washing my sheets.  They will dry today or tomorrow, and are quite safe if they have to stay on the clothes line overnight.

I knew a woman once who used to race around washing her sheets every time it was going to rain, as she loved the smell of it on her bedding.  I prefer the smell of sunshine on mine.

Happy Weekend everyone 😊




  1. I love the smell of fresh air sheets! A rain water rinse is great! :)

  2. I was ready for the clocks to change although it takes me a while to get used to the new time. I do not like getting up in the dark and, as I am an early riser, I have been getting up in the dark for a while now.

  3. We’ve had fog lately which is not common for us. I prefer the sun on sheets too. I pick those sunny days to wash clothes and hang them out.

  4. The time change always takes me a week or so to get used to. I wish we'd just stay on one or the other, I don't mind which.

  5. We just put our clocks forward. Losing one hour takes a bit of getting used to. Hard for school kids and workers who have to adjust to an earlier morning rise. Getting an extra hour in bed at the end of it is quite ok with me.
    Saying that, I wish the clocks would stay the same.

  6. We also had fog here today - I am struggling with the time change as I wake to the light, not the clock.... I too prefer the sun on my linen.

  7. If there is one thing in life that I have never fussed about it's changing the clocks either forward or back. Does an adjustment of one hour change anything?

  8. I love the smell on sun zdx one on mine, too. Pur time change took place a couple weeks ago.

  9. Turning clocks forward is always a bit of a challenge for me...while turning them back and getting that extra hour of sleep is wonderful! I do agree...I'd like it best if they'd do away with it all together. Hmmm, I've never tried letting the sheets wash in the rain...I'll do that sometime! Mary

    1. She used to wash the sheets then hang them out in the rain - she said she loved the smell of sheets that dried after having rain on them :)

  10. I'm loving the cooler temperatures are night but up here it's still really warm during the day like a lately it's been 27 degrees during the day so while we've had covid it's been a struggle.

  11. I love the smell of wind-blown sunshine dried sheets too. I love the smell of rain when I'm standing inside watching it fall. I hung sheets out yesterday and then forgot about them, it was near dark when I got them in and the warm sunshine smell was gone.

  12. Oh, I hate this clock-changing thing, so "out of time"! And my Polar still has winter time on, I asked for support. Yes, especially animals andyoung families suffer off this nonesense.

    Ohhh, but fog, I like and miss this.
    And ohhh, the rain-lady sure has my heart! Yours, too, I cannot decide!


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