Thursday 14 April 2022

A New Bed For Mittens


It seems to have been a rather busy week, but lots of things have got done.  The garden is all cleaned up and ready for winter, and the house has been getting some cleaning as well.

Son has sorted out his firewood pile and brought wood inside ready for our first fire (he takes care of the fire during winter).

I went shopping one morning and actually managed to find some slippers – a pretty pink, they fit me perfectly, and only cost $12.  Brilliant!

I also purchased a little bed for Mittens and tucked it underneath the desk in my room.  It took her about 15 minutes to find it and curl up to see what it was like.

It must have received a Tick of Approval, because she has been sleeping a lot in it the last few days.

Millie sleeps on Son’s bed on a special blanket, so it was nice to give Mittens something of her own (the two cats are siblings but seldom share anything).

New Zealand has moved to an Orange Alert (down from a Red) at midnight last night.  Apart from wearing masks at some venues and on public transport, it almost means “life as it used to be.”

We still have folk in hospital but officials are saying the peak has passed and our restrictions and borders can now be relaxed more.

Our family has been fortunate in not having caught the virus, except for my 18 year old step-grandson.  He spent the required isolation period at home and then returned to work, commenting it was a strange way to spend his birthday – feeling fine but stuck at home.

It is a lovely sunny autumn day today.  Ex-Cyclone Fili has been battering parts of the North Island but we have escaped with nothing worse than having a bit of wind and some cloud yesterday. 

I do feel for those in the Hawkes Bay who are still recovering from a storm three weeks ago.  More heavy rain is not something they really need right now.

Take care and be happy 😊




  1. Mittens new bed is so cute; I'm glad she likes it.
    It sounds like you're all ready for winter.
    Both myself and my husband tested positive for Covid a few weeks ago. He's had his shots. I have not. Would you believe he felt worse than I did although really neither one of us was all that sick. I'm glad your step-grandson is okay. Happy Easter, Margaret. GM

    1. Oh no, but I am glad you both seem to have come through it okay. Hope your Easter weekend is a good one too :) xx

  2. Glad you escaped the worst of the storm, too, Margaret. I wish my cats would claim a sleeping place and stick to it but they both change their favourite spot on a regular basis.

  3. Thank goodness you didn't get battered by that ex cyclone. I've been watching your weather to see where it hit and how bad.
    Thank goodness too NZ is moving on from restrictions. the worst is over everywhere. Let's get back to normal!

  4. My cat Grace hates change, we got her a new soft bed, same as her old one, but it took days for her to be happy to sleep in it.

  5. My son and family are in Gisborne and had some rather rough weather - we got a few showers, nothing of note, and a bit of wind - again, nothing much...
    Good to hear you found some slippers that fit, both your feet and the budget :)
    Tinker says he would rather sleep on my bed (when I am at home) than anywhere else...

  6. This all sounds so happy as well (apart from the cold weather to expect...)
    I went shopping with huuuuge distance and mask off - I felt like a human!

  7. Enjoy that new bed Mittens. My tartan bed got steam-cleaned in the weekend and it doesn't smell all nice and comfortable any more. I shall have to work on that. As regards making yourself scarce when humans visit, you should now ask for a nest in a high place, so that you can climb up there and look down on them. xxx Mr T

  8. I need to get a new cat bed for one of our cats. Bubbie for some reason seems mist if his time sleeping in the bathtub. I have no idea why...this started just a few months ago. At least the spending so much time there.

  9. The weather extremes are scary these days. Have another beautiful autumn day, Margaret.

  10. I've tried several different styles of cat beds, but Lola prefers to sleep on her tall scratching tower in the back porch during the day and in my bed with me at night.

  11. How fun is that that Mittens loves her new bed?!?!? I bet it is nice that things are getting somewhat back to normal. I hope it stays that way for you!

  12. Sweet new bed for sweet kitty...

    New slippers! I can't use slippers since I have to have a little heel and none of them, have them

    Hooray for Government SENSE!

    Let's face it, the whole world has to come to the conclusion, that it will live or die with this thing! Or go we all, go sit in a far-away cave and wait to die anyway.<--My long-held view.

    Happy Easter

  13. You don't want to get it either, I'm only just getting rid of the dry cough that goes with it. But it's good to get new slippers each year think I've got mine from last Winter when I bought them from the warehouse in Kaikohe.

  14. I LOVE that Mittens is curled up at your toes (in your new slippers) absolutely so sweet!

  15. My feet are jealous of new slippers! WE are awaiting Spring and you are awaiting Fall and winter!


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