Tuesday 22 February 2022



New Zealand uses the date format of day – month – year, which makes today’s date a perfect palindrome. 

Only, it doesn’t work if you are American and use a date format of month – day – year!

I think our humid hot weather has been catching up on me, and the last few days I have been struggling to do much of anything.

One day, however, I did manage to look in on a local charity shop and (of course!) came home with two more Little Treasures.

The bowl is cut glass, not crystal, and has a small chip on its exterior base.  I thought it would make a lovely container for a pot plant (perhaps for the maidenhair fern I have been wanting to buy for a while now), but I’ve discovered it also makes a great salad bowl!

My other purchase was this little pea pod salt-and-pepper set.  I thought it was rather cute, but it is so long since I actually used a proper cruet set that I have forgotten whether it is the salt that has more holes or the pepper – help!

Have a cheerful week everyone 😊



  1. The pepper is the one with more holes. It's such a cute little set. S&P shakers aren't seen much anymore, people don't salt their foods as they used to and cafes, restaurants etc have those little paper sachets instead. I like the cut glass bowl, I have one that I use for small candies such as M&Ms, which I am not supposed to eat because of the sugar.

    1. If your M&Ms give you joy, then I say go for it. Life is too short not to have a little bit of sweetness in it :)

  2. Your cruet set is very cute. The salt pot has fewer holes.

  3. I am really confused a bit!
    For South Africa everything has to bein British English.
    And then I find the Aussies writing American English - but they still have the British Queen in their neck.
    And those date formats just drive me nuts!
    I go with you, yippeeee.
    Beautiful bowl. And ohhhh, the green set just looks at one, so cute.
    Shoot. Think the pepper has more holes. A thought only!!!

    1. A lot of American English is creeping in here as well - I blame the TV programmes for most of it!

    2. I lot of American English is creeping in here as well - I blame the TV programmes for it. But, having said that, a lot of Maori is also creeping into our daily language. I fear that soon the rest of the world will not be able to understand Kiwi English! :)

    3. Reading a recipe in a NZ newspaper online yesterday I noticed that it asked for a CAN of creamed would have been a TIN when I was growing up there.

  4. The s and p pots are delightful. I'm always looking for nice containers like yours.

  5. We are at the stage where we are taking stuff TO the charity shop rather than bringing it home FROM the charity shop.

    1. Well, I tried that and it didn't work! I'm still taking stuff to the shop - but I always seem to bring something home again as well :)

  6. And regarding the date, it seems more common these days to say February 22, rather that 22 February. I was always taught that the day comes before the week, the week before the month, the month before the year, so I would say, and write 22 February 2022. There seems also to be a trend, especially on government forms, to show the year first, so it becomes 2022-02-22.

  7. Nice finds. Love the pea pods especially! A bit of interest on the table is always fun.

  8. Oh, my! I am afraid I'd have brought home the peas in a pod set, too, if given the chance. It is too cute for words.

  9. I think your little salt-and-pepper set is so cute. I have always put salt in the shaker with more holes. We rarely use the pepper shaker anyway. I prefer my pepper grinder.

    1. I have been doing some research and the general consensus seems to be "pepper has the most holes" - which doesn't make much sense to me, as I would much rather have salt on my meal instead of pepper! So I have decided to go with your example and use the salt in the more holes pot :)
      (We always use the pepper grinder as well)

    2. It goes back many years, decades or centuries maybe, when salt was poured into a small dish or a small pile at the side of the plate and food was dipped into it if it needed salt. Pepper was more often sprinkled over things like tomato or eggs.

    3. That is right, River, I had forgotten that. Somewhere in my possessions is buried a small silver cruet set - a tray with a cylinder for mustard and two dishes, one for salt and the other presumably for pepper. Fascinating how times change :)

  10. I meant to add that I realized that today's date was a little unusual; also that today I am exactly 76 and a half years old :)

  11. Well, I'd be putting the salt in the one with more holes too. But we moved on to grinders, so I couldn't find a set to try it out. I do have a memory that a silver set we had 'back in the day' had one BIGGER hole for the salt, and lots of tiny ones for the pepper, but your set looked as if the holes were the same size in each so that's not going to help. Aren't secondhand shops fun - often I see things that spark memories of long, long ago. I have to resist bringing home stuff - downsizing not upsizing is our aim! I'm in Wellington, so seriously OVER Covid/Omicron and having to be so careful with the 'out-of-towners-out-of-reality folks' down here.

    Keep safe and enjoy the summer weather.

    1. Some of those protestors certainly seem to be stretching the limits of what is acceptable, but I heard numbers were starting to shrink so maybe some now feel they have got their point across and are heading home again. I hope so :)

  12. So many interesting bits and pieces to this post. I've just finished my afternoon in the local community charity shop. It is amazing how many people bring X and go away with Y. I admire the bowl and I's have been tempted to buy the cruet set and add it to the two I already use.

  13. That is the cutest little pea pod salt and pepper set. I think I have always used the one with more holes for salt. The cut glass bowl is beautiful too. I've been wanting to go in the thrift shops too.

  14. Beautiful finds Margaret - I always used the shaker with the larger holes for salt, but these seem to have the same sized holes, as someone pointed out.
    The cut glass dish is gorgeous.
    I took loads and loads of stuff to the charity shop when I moved, and then they were closed down (by Rotorua HQ) and I was gutted, as stuff was going out at $1 a piece...
    Stay safe

  15. Salt bigger or more holes. Less for pepper, 'cause it will make you sneeze. :-)

    Here we have ice and snow to deal with. There you have heat/humidity. Ahhhhhh Joy! NOT!

    Our ice/snow melted, but a snow storm is on the way. -sigh-


  16. Salt has more holes...what a cute little set!

  17. Pepper more holes , less for salt , salt is not good for you.
    a hug from Norway, I bin in Nz in 6 months 1998/ 99.

  18. Salt has three holes. How adorable is that little pea pod! 😍


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