Thursday 1 July 2021

Frosty Mornings


This week an icy “polar blast” from Antarctica has swept up the country, bringing snow to many places and colder temperatures to everyone.

The last few days it has given us heavy frosts in the morning, but yesterday (and forecast for today) is fine and sunny even if it is still cold.  I can handle frosts when they are followed by a nice day!

There is one advantage to cold weather and that is being able to really enjoy a steaming bowl of hot soup. 

Homemade Minestrone Soup

Soup makes the perfect lunch meal with a few Toast Soldiers on the side.  Hearty and warming, it is hard to beat on a cold winter’s day.

(Apologies to all those suffering the intense heat of summer at the moment – soup would be the last thing you want to think about!)

Have a happy week,

Margaret 😊


  1. I live in melbourne australia and we are stuffing the same weather
    The sunny days do make up for it
    Stay warm and enjoy that sun through your windows

  2. Frost here as well with sunny days.
    Enjoy that lovely soup.

  3. We are enjoying salads these days. Soup season will happen here soon enough. Enjoy!

  4. No frost here in Mauritius. Last week we had temps down to +11C (51.8F) on the plateau, which is cold for a tropical island. Usually high humidity too, which makes it feel colder than it is. This time of the year I'm wearing wool clothes.

  5. F loves minestrone, but for our season the soup has been gazpacho (with watermelon in it for a twist). How is you 'make some different meals' resolve going? F does that too - she made dome zucchini and ricotta fritters last night - look a bit like meat patties, smell like rabbit food. Where's the meat mum? xxx Mr T

    1. Oh, you reminded me of a man I knew years ago - he flatly refused to eat salad because it was "only fit for rabbit food!"

  6. That's me in summer all year at 32 C in Malaysia. But, we do take hot soups very often as we find it nutritious. In fact I am cooking lotus root soup with carrots, golgi berries and dates in a slow cooker now for tonight's dinner. Your minestrone soup looks delicious and we get ours in cans! Glad I found your blog to see what's life like in NZ.

    1. That sounds like an interesting soup. I had hot miso soup once, when travelling and the weather was extremely hot, and found it very refreshing.
      Welcome to my blog :) xx

  7. Loving these frosty but fine days - and now I have heating, it's not quite so tortuous! Between a good heater and having the dehumidifier running, life is a lot more comfortable and not quite so 'character building' as the previous few weeks had been. Not looking forward to the power bill though :).
    Stay safe

    1. Oh, Maxine. Character building is fine for the young ones, but give me warmth and comfort LOL. Although I hope your power bill is not too horrendous, I hope more that you will stay warm to look after your health. Hugz, Mxx

  8. Homemade soup is one of life's great treats.

  9. Love a bowl of soup in the cooler months, we have homemade soup most days. It's sunny here today for a change, so far we are having a wet summer.

  10. Grinnnn... Nope, no soup. But it would be nice, if you could send us some of that _frost_!!! How delightful that would be, right now!!! -smile-

    Enjoy your Soup Days!

    🎀 🌺 🎀

  11. Toast Soldiers 😁 Only 15C here, this is no summer... again... I´d be in for your soup! xx

  12. WE are warm here, 83 right now and climbing:) Stay warm I like soup in winter also!

  13. Your soup looks good. We have soup at least once a week all through the year. I find it's one way to "eat our vegetables".Your frosty mornings have a definite appeal to me these days although thankfully today it is cooler than it has been.

  14. La sopa se ve sabrosa. Un beso.

  15. I am one of those people that loves doupnany time of year! However, Roger does not.


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