Wednesday 1 February 2023

Lots Going On


It has been a busy two days.  Yesterday I went to the supermarket and then visited an old friend that I had not seen for many years.

She is 89 years old and still as bright as a button.  It was a joy to spend a couple of hours with her, discussing all that had passed in our lives since we last met fifteen years ago.

And then today I spent most of the day visiting one of my sisters-in-law.  I am finding that being a bit more social is so much nicer than just sitting at home all day!

I also had a doctor’s appointment this morning.  We had to meet to discuss the hospital informing him that they were turning down my cardiac referral because there is still a six month’s waiting list – I’ve already been on the list for four months.

But there is a matter of mis-communication somewhere, because I actually have an appointment next week for a CT Scan, authorised by the hospital cardiac department.

My doctor was so nice about it all – so nice in fact, that he refused to charge me any fee for our consultation.  He has endorsed my desire to lose weight, and accepted without question my concerns that all of my current health issues have only arisen since I had the covid-19 vaccines.  Who knows?

So sad to hear the Chateau Tongariro is closing its doors
And so happy that I got to stay there last December

We have had unsettled weather here today, with rain, wind, sunshine, and a little thunder.  A lady in the doctor’s waiting room was telling me her family in Auckland had just received notice that their house has been red-stickered (uninhabitable) and were coming to stay with her.

I have been able to catch up with most of the family and friends I know who have been affected by this weather.  They are all okay, but a couple of them are living in towns that are still cut off from the rest of the country.  One said they would be good as long as food deliveries were still able to be made to their local town, which at the moment isn’t possible.

This storm really has been unprecedented in its severity and the number of people it has impacted.  The obvious cause is Climate Change, but the Tongan volcano sending 10% of the earth’s moisture into the atmosphere must also be having an impact.

What goes up, must come down!

Margaret 😊


My apologies.  I got my information slightly wrong - the Tongan volcano increased atmospheric moisture by 10% 


This picture is one of rural countryside half-way between Te Awamutu and Waitomo.  The photo was taken in 2008 but I doubt the scene has changed much since then.



  1. Fifteen years is a long time.
    A six months waiting list. Oh, my. It´s the same everywhere, it seems.
    We used to call doctors "gods in white", today they are paid so badly and work so hard, no one wants the job nomore, it seems.
    Hope you get that scan!

    Yes. I saw an American docu on these vaccines. Horrible what can go wrong (as I work from home and always only have the side effects I skipped that).
    I hope you come out there OK!!!

    Frightening with that weather of yours.

    Yes to those last words of yours. What you shout into the woods comes out again, we say...
    Have a great day anways! All the best wishes xx

    P.S Nice picture of your scenery!

  2. Interesting that your issues have occurred since your covid 19 vaccination - thankfully I have had no issues.
    Yes, sometimes the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing at Waikato - I am quite convinced of that!
    I thought of you when I read the announcement that 'The Chateau' was closing... so glad you managed a stay there.
    That scene does look familiar, but I cannot place exactly where it is - I have been over to Te Kuiti several times in the last few months, and I usually go via Kihikihi....

  3. Good luck with your health issues - and stick by those weight loss resolutions!

  4. Hope you are still having the CT scan . At least then you'll have a good idea of what's happening .
    So nice that you can get out and visit ... Between the raindrops lol

  5. Hope it all gets sorted about your cardiac appointment, Margaret. Climate is causing havoc for sure.

  6. Health care seems to be an issue across the globe. Those wait lists are pretty crazy. Nice that you were able to catch up with your longtime friend!

  7. Has the chateau become an earthquake risk or something?

    1. The hotel owners have had difficulty getting their lease renewed with DOC. The place is in need of some serious maintenance, and a recent report has shown it does not meet earthquake specifications. Add to those the fact that the skifields themselves are struggling to survive, as well as the lingering long-term effects of covid lockdowns, and it isn't really a surprise they are closing it down. Because it is a Heritage listed building, I am hoping the government might come to the rescue.

  8. Whenever I see a photo like your Feb. header I want to go walking there. Far from all habitation, just enjoying the outdoors. I hope the issue with your heart consult gets straightened out. Very strange. I'm glad your doctor was pleasant and understanding. Granny M

  9. Glad you have the appointment and, obviously, have a good doctor.

  10. I just read up on the chateau...I hope something can be done to save it, I shudder to think what quick fixes people in charge often resort to. It's so beautiful...

    I'm sorry to hear about the goodness, being isolated hoping food holds out. It's always good to have some food storage on hand...I've always told the kids, if we have to use it, we won't eat like "kings" but we'll survive. I hope it passes much to worry about in this new year. Take care of are the grape vines & tomatoes?

  11. Sadly many many people have had side effects to the state injectable of which cardiac issues are high on the list as well as many many other side effects. I don't know how much information is currently available in NZ, as so many countries are still refusing to acknowledge it and hiding it, but it is certainly starting to come out now the drug company have also started releasing documents which confirm what so many were saying but were being censored. I hope you will be okay and you can get the scans etc you need.


Thank-you for visiting my blog. I love it when you leave a comment so please feel free to have your say. Have a great day! Margaret xx