Sunday, 24 December 2023

The Joy of Happiness


Happiness is a personal choice.

Have you ever stopped to think what a simple pleasure Happiness is?  It seems to me that it is so easy to fall into the trap of saying “I will be happy when ….,“  instead of appreciating the moment right now and taking joy in it.

Even when things look bad or when one is struck down with illness, there are still moments in life when we can choose to feel happiness.

A decision to find happiness and gratitude for at least one thing every day, along with a smile on the face, can help alleviate even the worst of personal suffering.  It doesn’t remove the problem, or make a situation any better, but it certainly makes things easier to endure when you cultivate a happy and thankful mindset.

The world we live in is a beautiful place.  Yes, awful things happen all the time, but that is not an excuse for us to stop seeing the beauty in our lives.

A baby or small child, sweet in all their innocence.  The chirping of birds, or the glow of a pretty sunset.  Patting a purring cat, painting your fingernails, the smile of a friend, the sound of rain on a tin roof, the scent of an unobtrusive flower – all these and so much else can bring happiness into our life if we allow it.

The Bible says “Seek and you shall find.”  It was speaking about our relationship with God, but the principle behind it remains valid when we consider choosing to be happy.  Seek out the joyful parts of your life and let them put a smile on your face.

May you blessed with a Happy Christmas this 2023, as you celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ our Saviour 😊




  1. I totally agree, too many people want want want, I don't know about you but I"m happy with what I have.

  2. Margaret, you’ve been on my mind. Thank you for the beautiful reminder! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  3. Enjoy your Christmas day and every day!

  4. Love this post, you are so right. It makes me sad when I see people depressed and missing the joy right in front of them. Granted, I have never walked in their shoes so I do not know the demons they face, but it still makes me sad. Great to see your post, your blogger friends have missed you. Hope you have a very merry Christmas!

  5. Margaret, this is the most beautiful post, and one I needed to read. I would love to clip it out and frame it. Hope you have a most wonderful Christmas. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Es muy cierto lo que dices. Feliz Navidad.

  7. Margaret, wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas. I do hope you are starting to feel better.

  8. Topical, thoughtful post, Margaret. I like your tiny nativity figures. Sending Christmas wishes to you and your family.

  9. Thank you for this lovely post, and my best wishes to you for a Happy Christmas and some good things coming your way in 2024.

  10. Thank you for this beautiful post. I love nature and have enjoyed the photos you share from your outings… Caring for several chronically ill children…I find a simple pleasure in reading blogs and have appreciated yours. I hope you have a very blessed Christmas.

  11. I wish you and your family a blessed and happy Christmas!

  12. Dear Margaret, wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year! Hugs, Rose x

  13. I agree. Having been through depressions a few times in my life I know for me it's best to try and look on the bright side of life but that doesn't always work for everyone.

  14. Wise words...thank you for sharing. I hope you had a happy's wishes for the best things for 2024

  15. Thank you for sharing. Such a wise post. Especially at Christmas time we need reminders that "Want Want Want" isn't what life is about. I'm glad to see you posting again. I do hope you're feeling better. May 2024 be a year of health and contentment for you.

  16. Thank you Margaret, that's a message we need to hear, especially in these days with consumerism rife, and such pressure to find happiness outside ourselves. Gratitude, and awareness of happiness from within oneself is so much more important. May your Christmas bring you reasons to be happy, and thankful. And 2024 be good for you.

  17. Wise words indeed, Margaret - good to 'see' you back - I trust your health issues are resolved and you are well on the mend again.
    thank you for your Christmas greetings - I pray your Christmas was also blessed, and that 2024 brings you may joys to reflect on


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