Wednesday 10 March 2021

A Carpet Of Acorns


We received notice that workmen would be shutting off the water supply to our street today, so I thought I would go for a drive instead.

The weather was a bit dull, but it is always nice to get out into farmland away from the main roads.

I found a lovely old oak tree to park beneath and watch the world go by for an hour or so, but it was a little hair-raising when a couple of acorns landed on the top of the car.

What a noise! 

There were still quite a few acorns up in the tree and they were dropping at regular intervals, along with a few leaves. 

The whole area beneath this tree was covered with acorns – it would be squirrel heaven, if we had them here!  They were like a brown carpet and rolled and crunched under the feet when walked upon.

Autumn would have to be my favourite season of the year.  I love the mellowness of the weather, harvest is in full swing, and it is always interesting to observe the changes in nature as it prepares for cooler weather.

Stay safe and have a happy day 😊



  1. Pigs love 'em too. Squirrels are just vermin. They sit in trees and hurl abuse at cats. Our crows helped me out one day by finishing a chase I had started when I nearly caught one that was stealing bird food on the lawn.😹 D****d squirrel thought it had got away but the crows swooped on it. We had an uneasy alliance those crows and me. Mittens, your life is much happier without squirrels. Just feed the acorns to pigs and dream of pork chops. xxx Mr T

    1. It is Mynah birds that screech at me when I go outside. They make an awful noise. I have to say I haven't tried pork chop but I imagine it would be good. Purrings, Mittens 😻

  2. I also love Autumn, but at the moment here spring is coming.

  3. I love Autumn, the colours and all the fruits on the branches are wonderful, but Spring is my best season, so much promise and the lovely shades of green everywhere.

  4. It's amazing to see so many acorns strewn in the ground. Here we have so many creatures that seek acorns as high value food that we never see such a mass of them.

  5. No squirrels in NZ? I would be in heaven. We have way too many here in the States. They are cute and fun to watch but they are pests. They eat all the food left out for birds and get into a lot of other mischief. I am really not that fond of those rodents.

  6. Hello,

    That is a lot of acorns. They hit the cars so hard, I am surprise they do not leave dents. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Oh dear, never thought of that. I will have to go check my car now to see if there are any dents!!

  7. Wonderful. Autumn is my favourite too. Means summer is over 😄.
    You had a beautiful view

  8. I do so love that photo....that first one. And I so love fall, too. I always hate for it to end.

  9. There have to be some animals, which like to eat them.

    Or.... Were they not native to your country? And no animal there, developed, eating them? I wonder.....

    Water off for the day. Yikes!!!! I need to use the *pottie* too often, to stand that. -smile-

    Enjoy your Autumn. It is a lovely time of year.

    Our spring is coming, another in-between season, like autumn. Delightful.... When the extremes of winter and summer, are not upon us.


    1. Oak trees were introduced here so there are no natural acorn-eaters. I have seen ducks eat a few of them, and no doubt pigs would as well although they live in our bush and there are seldom oak trees to be found there.

  10. Interesting that Oak trees are not native to NZ. I like learned odd little facts like that.
    I love Autumn best too. If only winter didn't come right after and so quickly too. I wish Autumn would last the full 3 months but by November it often feels more like winter here ( which means endless dark and dreary wet days).

  11. I smiled at your squirrel comment. They are missing out for sure.

  12. Por aquí también hay muchas bellotas, las comen muchos anímales. Besos.

  13. What a beautiful scene. Wow lots of acorns. Yes, the squirrels sure are missing out.

  14. It's a solemn reminder that autumn is on its way. However, your post reminded me of my youth when I live in a place with lots of oak trees and used to make acorn men and animals. Thank you.

  15. I've not seen an acorn carpet quite like that one Margaret - there are high winds here at the moment, so with that and the rain we have had late today, I am sure I will find a carpet of apples under my tree tomorrow!!
    Stay safe

  16. My Peanuts sure would love to roam that place and have a galore!
    It´s good to have a positive attitude towards Autumn - me, it always gives me sadness.I need to learn from you x

  17. That is certainly a very large haul of acorns. What a shame you can't gather them and make something useful out of them.... are acorns good for anything except squirrel dinners? I think pigs like them too.

  18. We've been out in the past and had acorns land on the car ...
    They do make a lot of noise don't they.

    All the best Jan

  19. I'm with you on the joys of Autumn, it's my favourite season.

  20. Some years our acorns are like that , they roll under your feet! Squirrels take some, but the deer love them!

  21. I'm another lover of this time of year, Margaret. Life seems more mellow somehow. That sure is a lot of acorns, I bet you jumped when the first one landed on your roof. I know I would have. I like that countryside photo, too.


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