Monday 14 September 2020

A Safe Place


All my life I have put special things away “in a safe place” and promptly forgotten where they were put.  It got so bad that I have been training myself not to do this, not to put things away safely but to leave them in the normal place where I would expect them to be.

This morning I discovered I had regressed – an important paper had been put away in that Safe Place and I spent more than an hour looking for it.  

Thankfully I did find it, but it reminded me that it is not a good thing for me to do.  I have a drawer where I keep all my papers and it would have been easy to simply drop it in there and then I would have been able to find it!

Twice I have had major issues with this bad habit of mine, and both times I had given up on ever finding the items again.

I lost two of my rings once and after searching high and low for months I came to the conclusion that perhaps we had had a thief enter the house.  Then, several months later again, I found them slipped into a book that I hadn’t finished reading and it had been sitting in my bedside drawer all that time.  (I know, I should clean that drawer out more often!).

The other occasion was a substantial amount of cash.  Of course, that had to be hidden in the safest of places – never to be found again!  At least, not for nearly three years.  We even moved house in the interim but all the searching under the sun never found it.  

The flat pile of notes was tucked down inside the inner pocket of a backpack (a good reason why everything should be well searched before it is disposed of).  I was very happy to find the money!

Do you ever have trouble finding things that are hiding in Safe Places?

Margaret 😊


The cacti here are some that I saw on a visit to the Sonora Desert in Arizona in 2010.  I don’t think I will hide anything among them!


  1. On my first trip to London from Southampton I put my return bus ticket in the same safe place you put that money. it was months before I found it. Of course I'd had to buy a whole new ticket. Like you I have had to train myself to have a 'home' for things and to put those things in that home - or expect to never find them again. If I think the home is insufficiently safe, then I have a long hard think about a suitable alternative home for everything that occupies the same space. Then I lose ALL the paperwork in one hit!

    1. Oh dear, losing it all sounds like it could be rather disastrous :)

  2. I once lost a watch, I was heartbroken, searched everywhere in the house, asked at our local club where I had spent the evening. Many years later I was sorting clothes before getting rid of things, and in the pocket of a jacket was my watch. How it got there I will never know.

  3. I suspect that most of us don't have "substantial amounts of cash" in the house. I will resist the temptation to ask where you got it and why you wouldn't simply deposit it to your account at the bank. There must a story here somewhere!

    1. Yes, there was a story :)
      The cash was quite legal but not in NZ currency so not that easy to deposit it anywhere. It was never meant to stay with us for three years!!!

  4. I do know what you mean about "safe" places.....I haven't found my engagement & eternity rings since we flew back from NZ in March !! As they were the only valuable pieces of jewellery I had with me I'm sure I packed them in my hand luggage for the flights so am hoping they are tucked into a side pocket of my travel bag, which was put in the loft. Once we have finished with our airbnb guests I will need to bring it down and start searching ! Would have been simpler to just wear the dashed things, but I hate wearing jewellery on long flights.
    Jane G

  5. Hello,

    Love the cactus image and scenes. Hubby and I have our safe places to keep important things in our home. I think it is a good idea to keep cash hidden at home, you never know when an emergency will come up and you can't make it to the bank. There are small thing hubby and I put down and then we can't remember where we put them, I blame it on our old age memory. Take care, enjoy your new week!

  6. I have lost such items, never to be found again. Writing down where I put things didn’t work either since I misplaced the paper too.

  7. Yes I should write all my safe places down in a book maybe that would help:)

  8. Use to be a regular occurence, now I have no safe places to lose things in.

  9. Your "safe place" story is familiar to many of us! I have been known to walk from room to room looking at all the "safe places" and never finding what I am looking for. And then I go back to where I started , and there is the thing I need, sitting on the kitchen table in full view! Grrrr

  10. I always find it is best to just give up searching and then one finds the item when one is looking for something else.

  11. Your post is very timely because today I spent hours looking for 3 new masks that I put somewhere in a "safe place". Fortunately I have others that I can use but it makes me so frustrated that I can't think where I put them. 2 of them I never even got to wear before they "disappeared".

  12. Oh yes - I have just had that experience with some gift tokens that may have expired in the meantime :(... when I found them it was such a logical place to have put them!
    Stay safe

  13. Oh mercy yes!!!!!!!! My husband has "made an art" of doing this!!!! ~grin~ And I do it too!!!

    Even though I do try to be "neat," with my things.

    Me~thinks it comes, with ageing. Sad but true.

    But then, I suppose, some people do it all their lives. lol

    A question for me! Why didn't this post, show up, on my Following spot???


  14. Wonderful pictures and post I haven't been to the Sonora Desert in ages. With the virus now and all the fires we are having on the west coast makes traveling difficult.

    Hugs Diane

  15. I am having problems with blogger now that photos are not showing up and I hate it even more because I wanted to see your cacti photos (I love cacti and desert scenes so so much!) but as per safe places, I am happy you have something like that and that I'd have one as well because I kept losing things. Sending you hugs dear Margaret!

  16. First time commenter, Margaret. Also a Kiwi, living in Wellington. The 'safe place saga' is one we all seem to know. To make things worse, our little granddaughter finds ingenious places to hide things. The older brother hid a few things, but we got to know that his 'safe place' was the lift-up seat of a ride on toy. She's much harder to figure out. My very elderly parents-in-law died suddenly, and we found stashes of cash in the most amazing places - rolls of cash in tins hidden behind curtains, in shoe boxes(still holding carefully polished shoes!) and just about every bedroom drawer. Cleaning that house out was a major job.

    I do enjoy your blog, thank you for sharing


    1. Welcome Virginia :)
      Your story reminds me of a gentleman I heard of - his daughter had to clear his house and discovered cash like that. They never knew if they ever found all of it!

  17. Oh, my, are twins or what? I still do that sometimes. And there is the thing of mindlessly putting something down as I go to do something else. When the kids were young, about 3 morns out of the week it was a mad hunt for my car keys. I have no idea why I didn't have a hook I hung my keys on. Now, they are always in my pocket...we have to keep our garage locked and I hate being outside and having to come inside to get they are just always in my pocket.

    I lost a quilt for years! I thought it was truly gone...found it folded up inside of a table cloth. I still don't know how that happened. Now I have a quilt top that is gone...has been gone for years. I truly wonder if it was stolen. I finished it, and had company...and shortly after that I went to get it and it was not where I thought I had left it. The other thing, I wondered did it get put in the donation bag.

    1. That is why I hate losing things - I never know whether it was me doing something wrong or someone else. And that awful feeling in the pit of your stomach because you can't find something. Sometimes I have even told others where I have put things - and then they forget too!! But I do hope your missing quilt top turns up at some stage.


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