Sunday 2 August 2020

Water Only

Politicians can be an endless source of amusement if you can see past the politics side of things.  I used to love the satirical TV programmes of earlier days, lampooning individual politicians, but apparently that is illegal now and you are no longer allowed to publicly poke fun at our thin-skinned politicians.

However, social media still has plenty to say and I had a good laugh last night after reading about The Green Party’s latest health manifesto.  (These are the people who are doing their best to both ban the use of tobacco and legalize the use of marijuana)

They state they plan to “support water-only policies in schools, hospitals and sports clubs.”  What?  No cold beer after a game of rugby?  No cup of tea with breakfast for hospital patients?  No coffee after the PTA meeting at school?  Whatever is the world coming to?

Of course, the Greens are now stating that they actually meant they want to restrict the use of sugary drinks – so why didn’t they say that?  Perhaps they have been smoking too much weed!

If we cannot have a giggle at some of the mistakes our political parties occasionally make, then the world is becoming a very sorry place indeed.

Hope your day is going well,

Margaret J



The photos are all different drinking water fountains from my archives.


  1. NZ banned making fun of politicians in public???? And no one kicked up bobsy-die? What happened to the country of free-thinkers I left behind a couple of decades ago? What do comedians use for source material now? I think I need to come home and get arrested for making fun of politicians. They put themselves out there to be made fun of; it's their purpose in life. Besides, how else does one keep the stupid-b.....s to account and stop them from starting to believe their own BS or getting some idea that they are actually better or cleverer than the rest of us? Elections aren't always successful for that.

    1. LOL some of them could do with having a bit of a bomb put under them!

  2. I won't be voting for the greens in the upcoming elections, they just don't have enough policies that appeal to me. Speaking of the elections I"m sure there will be lots of malarkey leading up to it.

    1. I expect all the competition and nasty stuff will ramp up in the next few weeks until election time. It should be "interesting"! :))

  3. They all live in a completely different world to us, whatever party they are part of.

  4. Hmmm, water only areas - can you see the pubs emptying out of patrons dopey on water? or smoke free areas unless you are smoking dope? The mind boggles :) could be in interesting few weeks. thanks for your comments, I enjoyed them
    Stay safe

  5. Hello,
    I can not imagine not being able to make fun of the politicians. Everyone should have a right to their opinion and express it. I hope these Greens do not get elected. Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

  6. Margaret you gave me a really good laugh at that one! Same here Margaret but way worse. the reason why I left facebook , one of those, is that of the new law here that you cannot make fun or talk or critic much about the government anyone because you will be arrested without a need of a warrant if you are suspiciously posting something against the government officials. There is a man who was jailed because he posted how he hates the executive. Still in jail at the moment I think. Social Media is a very scary and unsafe world now, especially here.

    Stay safe dearest Margaret!

    1. Those sort of measures sound awful. Governments would not mind being honest with their people if they had nothing to hide. Take care, Stevenson.

  7. I am astounded that poking fun at a politician is banned in NZ. This seems like a draconian restriction on free speech. Politicians, it seems to me, start out with the highest of ideals and become slimier in direct proportion to their time in office. Their nose often gets permanently stuck in the trough. They range from distasteful to despicable for the most part. And they are so thin-skinned they can't abide by people poking fun at them? Obviously they enacted the law that prevents it too.

    1. Currently we can still express our own opinion, but we aren't allowed to laugh at them. To me, it is the first step on the ladder towards crushing self expression on TV or social media.

  8. I seem to recall that New Zealand made trolling illegal in 2015 but I can't see how satire could be made a criminal offence.

    1. I would have thought part of a politician's job was to have fun poked at them, but I've been told apparently not.

  9. If we couldn’t lampoon politicians here, the country would be in a sorry state indeed.

  10. What a pity there's no more satire? How about on YouTube? Some of the stuff there on Trump is hilarious.

  11. Oh, I so agree with Poppypatchwork...if any of them ever lived in the real world, they have forgotten what it is like. I wish they all had to go out and work at real work and make a living.


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